A spokeswoman for Clayton County said the south metro community is making strides in its hand recount of the votes from the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Clayton elections workers had counted around 94,000 votes at the end of the day Monday, said county spokeswoman Valerie Fuller. Workers expected to resume counting Tuesday morning at 9 a.m., she said, and anticipate meeting the state’s deadline to finish the recount on Wednesday.

Several metro Atlanta counties finished their recounts over the weekend or on Monday, including those of Fulton, DeKalb and Fayette. Cobb and Henry, which have not completed the work, also are expected to resume counting on Tuesday.

Clayton also will be counting the ballots at a new site -- the gym at Jackson Elementary School, 7711 Mount Zion Elementary School in Jonesboro, Fuller said. The site was changed so that those counting the votes would have more room to be socially distant to avoid contracting the coronavirus.