ATLANTA - Channel 2 Action News investigates the real story of legal marijuana.
Channel 2 Investigative reporter Mark Winne traveled to Colorado to find out what impact legalization is having there.
In 2015, Governor Nathan Deal asked a group of Georgians to study the impact of legalizing recreational use of marijuana. That group included Vernon Keenan, the head of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, who visited Colorado to learn more.
While many point to the increased tax revenues and jobs that legalization has brought to the state, there are some downsides as well.
One study shows there was an initial increase in emergency room visits, traffic deaths and youth marijuana use.
When Winne asked Mark Bolton, marijuana adviser to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, asked if the legalized pot has been a good thing or bad thing for society, the official said, “I think it's too early to know.”
Should Georgia legalize marijuana? Channel 2’s Mark Winne breaks down the numbers from Colorado and talk with state leaders about the drawbacks they've experienced, TODAY on Channel 2 Action News at 5 p.m.
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