Q: In my search for something to do in Cobb County I came across a class on France scheduled for December under Parks and Recreation Therapeutic Services. Would you tell me about this department and the upcoming class?

A: You are inquiring about the Cobb County Therapeutic Recreation Services unit that has been in place since 1971. The department provides various structured opportunities designed for those with disabilities. France will be spotlighted Dec. 2, 9 and 16 via Zoom.

The activities hosted by TRS encourage an active life that helps to fill physical and psychological needs for ages 16 and up, except for summer camp.

“It gives us (the staff) a sense of providing a necessary service in that our participants, we facilitate them being able to do recreation and leisure activities that they otherwise could not do independently,” recreation programmer Ann Bonds said.

The Ambassadors Club “The Bridge” day program and Social Clubs have returned to in-person. Everything else is offered through Zoom Tuesdays through Thursdays at 1 p.m.

“The social clubs are small groups, always the same group of people intended to be like a small family. Ten or fewer people that all do things together - whether it be baking cookies, shopping or out to eat. They learn social skills through those activities and get to practice them in the community,” she said.

The top favorite activity is dancing, followed by bowling and then bingo, according to Bonds.

“Dances give them a reason to dress up. Some of them have romances going on and so it’s a time to see their boyfriend or girlfriend ... or their friends,” she said.

The monthly country spotlight began in August last year. The summer Olympics gave Bonds the idea.

The first class on France will begin with an overview of the country. Religion and culture will be covered the second week, finishing up with animals and top travel destinations.

These classes run for 30 minutes and are free. Bonds has a couple of participants from other states that join in. Scotland is tentatively on the list for January 2022.

For more information or to register, visit cobbpark.org (listed under recreation) or if in need of assistance, call 770-582-2562.

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