We always appreciate getting feedback from our readers, and this week is no exception.

“Your weekly column is of great value notifying local and state government agencies of issues needing immediate research and, if confirmed, actions to correct. All the issues defined have been forwarded to these agencies for addressing, but no follow up is evident. They should be held accountable,” wrote Joseph Palladi.

We’re following Palladi’s suggestion and checking in on older items this week to see if we can get an update on when a possible fix may occur.

Item: Atlanta (DeKalb)

In August, Melanie Watson contacted us with one of the most unusual requests we’ve had in nearly 10 years of doing this column.

“I would like to see if I can get your assistance with DeKalb County Roads and Drainage. I have called them for eight months regarding waste and logs piling up in Henderson Mill Creek, in a ditch near my house,” Watson wrote.

Nobody likes to see a cluttered area near their home, so we sent the issue to DeKalb County and will let you know when it is fixed.

Days on the list: 62

Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

Item: Atlanta (Fulton)

In July, we told you about Pearlann Horowitz’s significant issues with potholes.

“The entire street of West Paces Ferry Road from Piedmont to Northside is full of potholes. It’s almost impossible not to hit one while driving down West Paces Ferry Road and damage your car,” she wrote.

We sent the issue to the city and will keep you updated.

Days on the list: 92

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner James Jackson, 404-330-6240, jamesjackson@atlantaga.gov.