Item: Atlanta (Fulton)

A reader is concerned about a dangerous utility hole cover in the heart of a busy area in the city.

“This is located at Angier and Parkway (northeast corner) near the new Empire development in the Old Fourth Ward. It has sunken much more since this was taken and is dangerous,” wrote Catherine Chase.

We sent the issue to the city and will let you know when it is fixed.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s looking into it: City of Atlanta Department of Public Works Commissioner James Jackson, 404-330-6240,

Item: Brookhaven (DeKalb)

Don Members is trying to negotiate the delicate web of local government.

“I contacted Brookhaven about some serious pavement problems on Harts Mill Road which is shared by Chamblee. I was referred to DeKalb County Roads and Drainage and (they) just advised me to call Brookhaven. In the meantime, there are possible safety problems upcoming because of neglect caused by no one accepting the responsibility and paying taxes to prevent or fix problems reported by caring citizens,” Members said.

Members said the same situation applies to Harts Mill Road’s speeding problems that need more than police enforcement, including electronic signs and other traffic engineering actions since Harts Mill Road is also a walking route.

“I think just giving traffic tickets for speeding has just become another credit card charge. How about a mandatory traffic safety class for first offenders instead? Or making offenders hold up 35mph signs on Harts Mill Road? Our community would really appreciate your assistance in getting these items properly addressed and finally fixed for now and in the future,” he added.

We sent the issue to both Brookhaven and DeKalb County and will keep you updated.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s looking into it: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, and Communications Director Burke Brennan,