Update: Atlanta (DeKalb)

Johanna Chapin sent us an update about a long-standing problem on The By Way.

“I’m still here - by my math, I’ve been on the ‘list’ for more than 800 days, which probably defines the triumph of hope over experience. If this tips over into four figures perhaps I’ll get a consolation prize , but I’d really really really rather just get a left turn signal,” she wrote.

Chapin said she is on the verge of having two teenage drivers and wants the issue fixed.

“In 2021, I thought I’d made a breakthrough when I contacted Stacey Key, who represents the Fifth Congressional District on the Ga. State Transportation Board. Key did pass along my request to folks at the DOT. When the DOT folks actually responded, I ran six victory laps around my living room,” she added.

She said her follow-up inquiries landed with a thud into a black hole and curled into a fetal position in the corner.

“When the state of Georgia authorized my firstborn to independently control 4,000 pounds of steel, the lack of a left turn signal took on a new urgency. So now I’m back to you, Mr. Take to Task.”

Chapin said she remains bewildered as to why this is so complicated. For example, she said there is a left turn lane accompanied by its very own traffic light.

“To complete this picture, the traffic light just needs its own left turn signal. Not even a long one ... just enough to allow a few cars to turn left onto The By Way. In conclusion, I’d be eternally grateful for any help you can provide as I continue to leave nightly offerings for the Left Turn Signal Fairy.”

Days on the list: >800

Who’s looking into it: DOT spokesman Natalie Dale, ndale@dot.ga.gov