Update: Atlanta (DeKalb)

In November, we revisited a request from Melanie Watson about waste and logs near her home.

“I would like to see if I can get your assistance with DeKalb County Roads and Drainage. I have called them for eight months regarding waste and logs piling up in Henderson Mill Creek, in a ditch near my house.

Watson sent us an update last week.

“A crew from DeKalb County came by sometime in September. They told my neighbor they would need a crane to remove the logs and the telephone pole. No one came back from the county. Some of the trees have been washed away due to the hurricane storms that passed through last month. Also, the crack in the culvert wall has gotten worse. I’m not sure how much longer that pipe will last,” she wrote.

We sent the item back to DeKalb County to check on the progress of the project.

Days on the list: 102

Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

Update: Decatur (DeKalb)

In June, we told you about Burton Wittenberg’s complaint about a pothole near his home. Wittenberg said the offending pothole is at the corner of Mason Mill Road and Vistavia Circle. He noted other potholes in the area were repaired, but this one was still a nuisance and creates a hazard for drivers. We heard from Wittenberg the pothole is still not fixed, so we sent the issue back to DeKalb County.

Days on the list: 148

Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov