Sandy Springs is hosting a series of virtual public information meetings to explain the 2021 Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST) referendum at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13 and 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27. Each meeting will include an overview of TSPLOST and project information. Register to attend:

Citizens will also have in-person opportunities to learn more about TSPLOST 2021 by visiting the city’s booth at the Sandy Springs Farmers Market on Saturday, Oct. 23 and Saturday, Oct. 30.

Fulton County voters will have the opportunity to vote Nov. 2 on a five-year TSPLOST extension to fund transportation projects throughout Sandy Springs. The TSPLOST referendum would extend and not increase the existing 0.75% (3/4 of a cent) sales tax approved by voters in November 2016. If approved by voters, the sales tax collection period would run April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2027.

The TSPLOST 2021 renewal could fund sidewalks, traffic safety and congestion relief, road maintenance and paving, multi-use paths, as well as pedestrian and bike improvements.