The Sandy Springs City Council recently approved a $279,562 contract with Tople Construction & Engineering for the 980 Crest Valley Drive drainage improvement project. Tople’s was the lowest of two bids for the work which was estimated by city engineers to cost about $248,631.

In 2021, the city hired an engineering firm to develop plans to repair or replace the damaged infrastructure and to bring the storm system up to city standards.

The project includes constructing a reinforced concrete headwall for the existing 84″ culvert, replacing a deteriorated 18″ headwall and replacing damaged sections of the 18″ concrete pipe. Construction will also include replacing a buried brick manhole with a precast manhole, restoring and improving sections of eroded stream bank downstream of the culvert, and improving a section of roadway embankment.

The city has adequate funds in the stormwater capital maintenance and improvements account budget to cover the contract.