Following a recent public hearing, the Roswell City Council approved a rezoning request at 11370 Crabapple Road for construction of a new place of worship.

Roswell Community Masjid will build three 16,000-square-foot buildings connected by a courtyard. The youth building will be located along Chaffin Road. The main building/prayer hall will be at the Chaffin Road and Crabapple Road intersection, and the administration and adult building will sit along Crabapple Road.

The rezoning was approved with conditions including the developer will plant a double row of evergreen trees on the border on Chaffin Road and add landscaping along parking lot areas. The developer will also align driveway number one onto Crabapple Road with the existing driveway serving F.A.S.T Charter School, construct a northbound left turn lane, 225 foot long, into their site driveway number one, and construct a southbound left turn lane onto Strickland Road.

Other conditions require the developer to contribute $5,000 towards a future traffic signal at the intersection of Crabapple Road and Chaffin Road, address signage and prohibit amplified sound.