Milton’s 2021-2025 strategic plan included an objective to consider the creation of an “Adopt-a-Roundabout” program. The program will partner with companies to undertake certain roundabout landscape installation and maintenance. In April the city decided to develop specific agreements for each proposed adoption.

In Dec. Milton approved the first “Adopt-a-Roundabout” agreement with Ashford Gardeners to make substantial improvements to the Freemanville-Providence roundabout at no cost to the city except for minimal expenses to create and install an “Adopt-a-Roundabout” sign.

Ashford Gardeners currently provides other right-of-way mowing landscape maintenance in the city.

This roundabout agreement includes the removal of Serviceberry trees and Switchgrasses. New Forest Pansy Redbud trees and Asiatic Jasmine ground cover will be installed and maintained at no cost to the city. The city will provide signage and a right-of-way encroachment permit.