Following a third public hearing, the Johns Creek City Council voted to maintain their 2022 millage rate at 3.986 mills, or $3.986 for every $1,000 of net assessed value. Despite growth and higher property values, the city chose not to lower the millage rate to the rollback rate of 3.756 mills. As a result, property owners will see an increase in property taxes by 6.12%.

The increase for a home with a fair market value of $300,000 is approximately $26 and the proposed annual increase for a non-homestead property would be $28.

Had officials adopted the rollback rate of 3.756 mills the city would have needed to reduce the 2023 budget by approximately $1.2 million.

According to the city’s millage rate presentation, the Johns Creek millage rate is the lowest city millage rate in Fulton County. The overall average 2021 millage rate for all the cities in Fulton was 8.529. The average of the five cities in north Fulton (Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Milton, Roswell, and Sandy Springs) was 4.600. As the lowest rate in the county, the city’s millage rate of 3.986 is lower than both averages.

After a great deal of debate the city also amended the Parks Bond millage rate to .390 mills.