A 30-day comment period ends April 4 for Johns Creek residents to comment with the Environmental Protection Division Watershed Protection Branch on a request that will impact two unnamed tributaries leading to the Chattahoochee River.
The Atlanta Athletic Club is renovating their golf course. This work will impact 2,036 linear feet of stream buffer along these two tributaries near the Chattahoochee River. Renovations to the course include re-grading the slopes of these small creeks. Two additional impoundments will be breached, and the streams will be allowed to return to its natural channel with a stable pattern, plan and profile.
After the land-disturbance has been completed, the buffers will be restored to a naturally vegetated state, or to current existing conditions on the golf course, such as grass and sod.
Site plans are available for review in the EPD office, 200 Piedmont Avenue SW, Suite 418 West in Atlanta. Contact Arnettia Murphy at 404-656-4147 or arnettia.murphy@dnr.ga.gov to schedule an appointment to review the plans. Written comments should be submitted to Program Manager, NonPoint Source Program, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW, Suite 1462 East, Atlanta, GA 30334.
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