The Alpharetta City Council recently voted to a change to the city’s Unified Development Code related to historic preservation incentive zoning. The result removes 126 North Main Street from the contributing historic property list.
Justification for the change noted the property has been modified over the years and does not represent an outstanding example of a building representative of its era, is not one of the few remaining examples of a past architectural style or type, and isn’t a place associated with an event or person(s) of historic or cultural significance to the city, region, state, or nation.
According to information provided by the Alpharetta Historic Society, 126 North Main Street was the second house of Dr. Morris and is believed to be constructed around 1933. There is no information regarding the architectural style of the home. Fulton County Tax Assessor information indicates that the home was built in 1950. The property is 0.69 acres, and the 1-story home is approximately 2,140 square feet. The current property owner is Judge Roy Roberts, who is the grandson of Dr. Morris.
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