Following a recent public hearing, the Suwanee City Council approved a $15,069,730 Fiscal Year 2022 Budget. The new balanced budget represents 1.4% decrease in operating revenues, yet a 2.1% increase in operating expenditures as compared to the FY 2021 amended budget.

Assumptions for the budget anticipate a 16.6% increase in property tax revenues. As a result, the city anticipates maintaining the same millage rate as FY 2021 of 4.93 mills.

The city anticipates upgrading several part-time positions to full-time, pay performance increases and the addition of a city engineer, public works special projects supervisor, public works crew member, and part-time code enforcement officer.

Suwanee also anticipates capital funding expenditures including the addition of public works small equipment (mowers, aeration equipment, gator vehicles), replacement of a public works truck and bucket assembly, new police equipment (laptops, radios, audiolog, and in car video systems), and replacement of three police vehicles and a planning truck.

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