Beginning in January, Norcross is launching a new notifications system called CivicReady. This will allow the city to streamline communications with the community and simplify how residents receive information.

Residents currently signed up to receive alerts from the city website (“Notify Me” or “News Flash”), do not need to do anything to continue receiving alerts. Existing subscriptions will be transferred to the new notification platform.

Citizens currently signed up for Police Nixle alerts will need to transfer to the new platform. For those alerts, residents need to subscribe to CivicReady at and select the Traffic and/or Emergency categories. Constant Contact subscribers will not be affected.

CivicReady offers several new notification opportunities that were not previously offered through the city’s various notification platforms. Residents can modify their subscription at any time by visiting, selecting CivicReady and then clicking the green “Modify or Unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the CivicReady Signup page.