Smoother streets are in some Lilburn motorists’ future.

The city of Lilburn announced Tuesday that it has awarded a street resurfacing contract after opening the bid on June 16.

The lowest bidder, Allied Paving Contractors Inc., received a $559,810 contract to resurface 2.3 miles of city streets, the announcement said.

The street work will be paid with American Rescue Plan Act funds. Depending on individual road conditions, the resurfacing includes filling in cracks, patching, replacing speed humps and crosswalks, the announcement said.

The following streets in Southeast Lilburn will be resurfaced:

  • Rosestone Drive from Sunfield Drive to Sunfield Drive
  • Birdlake Drive from Rosestone Drive to cul-de-sac
  • Brandlwood Court from Brandlwood Way to Sunfield Drive
  • Brandlwood Way from cul-de-sac to cul-de-sac
  • Sunfield Drive from Burns Road to cul-de-sac
  • Halfmoon Hollow from Rosestone Drive to Rosestone Drive
  • Halfmoon Court from Halfmoon Hollow to cul-de-sac
  • Lake Ridge Trail from Indian Trail Road to Brandlwood Way
  • Old Manor Road from Hillcrest Road to Lake Ridge Trail
  • Eagles Pass from Rosestone Drive to Burns Road
  • Houndstooth Trail from Rosestone Drive to cul-de-sac
  • Courting Lane from Rosestone Drive to cul-de-sac

Last month, the city accepted a bid from Garrett Paving Company of Athens to resurface portions of Joy Lane, Bridgewater Drive, and Nantucket Drive for more than $233,000.