Georgia DOT engineers plan to construct two Reduced Conflict U-Turns (RCUT) to be installed at the intersection of Ga. 11/U.S. 129/Jefferson Bypass at Old Swimming Pool Road and at Ga. 11/U.S. 129 at Ga. 82 in Arcade.

The new RCUTs will require all side street traffic to turn right and then complete a U-turn to continue through the intersections. All existing traffic movements on Ga. 11 will still be allowed. A U-turn will be installed north of the intersection to complement the RCUT.

The Georgia DOT received a request to evaluate these intersections for potential traffic signals or possible safety improvements. After evaluating the locations for a signal, they did not meet signal warrants. The department determined an RCUT would be the appropriate intersection control to reduce vehicle conflict points.

RCUTs are used to reduce angle crashes by requiring side street traffic to make right-hand turns followed by a U-turn, thus preventing a percentage of angle collisions at an intersection. Georgia DOT engineers believe similar results can occur with an RCUT at these intersections.

According to Georgia DOT, RCUT intersections reduce severe crashes by 47% and minor crashes by 69%.

Construction for the intersections are just beginning and are expected to be completed by the end of the year.