The Duluth City Council will hold the third and final public hearing before voting to adopt its 2023 millage rate at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 14 in City Hall Council Chambers, 3167 Main St.

Each year, the Gwinnett County Tax Assessor reviews the assessed value of taxable property in the county. Once that is prepared, Georgia Law requires calculation of a “rollback” millage rate that would produce the same total revenue as the previous year’s millage rate would have produced had no reassessments occurred.

Because Duluth is considering maintaining the same millage rate as last year at 6.551 mills instead of rolling back the rate, the city is required to hold three public hearings before adoption. For 2023, Duluth’s current millage rate exceeds the rollback millage rate by 0.509 mills representing an 8.42% increase. The city anticipates the reassessment revenue will add approximately $1,220,489.