Fayette County’s annual Science and Engineering Fair is looking for judges for its 2021 event. The virtual competition will be held on Jan. 12 via Zoom, to recognize outstanding student achievements in middle and high school. Volunteer judges with experience in science and/or engineering will assess poster presentations and select the top projects that will later compete at the Regional Science and Engineering Fair at Griffin RESA.

Judges for the Fayette fair will have access to the projects before the event date and will be assigned a Zoom room for interviewing the entrants. Judging orientation, interviews and results will take place from 9 a.m. to approximately 2 p.m. on Jan. 12. Those interested in judging must fill out the registration form at https://tinyurl.com/FCBOESciFair21 by Nov. 20. For more information, contact science coordinator Patricia S. Morgan at morgan.patricia@mail.fcboe.org or 770-460-3990, ext. 1247.