The school calendars for the next two years in Fayette County will look pretty much like the existing one. The Board of Education voted 5-0 at its Aug. 23 meeting to approve new academic calendars for 2022-2024 after surveying parents and staff earlier in the year. The results of the two-option survey showed that 66% of the 5,000 parents who responded preferred Option A, as did 77% of the 1,677 staff who replied. A committee led by Sam Sweat, director of special projects, then recommended board approval of the preferred choice.
As has been the case in most previous years, both chosen calendars have classes starting the first week of August with week-long breaks during Thanksgiving week, late February and early April. A two-week break in late December marks the end of the first semester, and the school year concludes just before Memorial Day weekend. The schedules also include four days of professional learning for staff and two more teacher workdays.
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