The Dunwoody 2022 budget is expected to increase by $6.8 million from $45.6 million to $52.4 million.

The vote is scheduled for 6 p.m. Oct. 25 at Dunwoody City Hall, Dunwoody Hall, 4800 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody.

During the Oct. 11 public hearing on this budget, no one made any comments for or against.

Among the changes are:

  • $4.5 million of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding in 2022.
  • $180,000 to fully fund a hiring grid for police officers and detectives, averaging 5.8% for each filled position.
  • a 4% increase for all city employees at $290,000.
  • an additional 3% increase for all city employees, beginning Jan. 1, at $266,000.
  • an in-house position for the Information Technology Director, beginning Oct. 25.
  • $300,000 for stormwater management improvements.
  • $105,000 for a new code compliance officer.
  • $500,000 for gateway signage.
  • $125,000 to $250,000 for a new right-of-way maintenance crew.

Assistant City Manager Jay Vinicki said the city would have 7.7 months of fund balance at the end of 2021 and 6.1 months of fund balance at the end of Fiscal Year 2022.
