Opinions are requested by Decatur city officials on the city’s parks and the city’s Clean Energy Plan away from fossil fuels.
An open house on the city’s draft plan on clean energy will be held from 4-7 p.m. July 28 at the Decatur Recreation Center, 231 Sycamore St., Decatur.
Comments also will be received online at CleanEnergyDecatur@gmail.com.
For more information, visit CleanEnergyDecatur.com.
A Decatur survey on the city’s 10-year master plan for the Parks and Recreation Department concludes July 31.
The survey is available online at DecaturRecreatur.com.
Currently, the city has 196 acres of parks and open space across 21 parks, the Decatur Square and the Decatur Cemetery.
For questions or concerns, email Sara Holmes at sara.holmes@decaturga.com.