Through Oct. 29, Brookhaven residents may learn more about the master plan process involving Brookhaven City Centre.
This week Brookhaven officials are hosting a Drop-In Center at Brookhaven City Hall, 4362 Peachtree Road.
The Drop-In Center will present the materials in a self-guided, socially distanced setting and will be opened to the public during normal business hours - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily through Friday.
While not mandated, masks are strongly encouraged.
Brookhaven officials began the input process with a round of public meetings and a socially distant “drop-in center” in December 2020.
That process also included an interactive project website that included an initial survey, a public forum and an interactive mapping tool.
The website also contains background information, survey results and community engagement summaries.
City Centre Vision 2021:
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