Avondale Estates Mayor Jonathan Elmore will deliver his State of the City address at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 5, according to a press release.
The year 2020 held many challenges across the globe and Avondale Estates leaders will reflect on that as well as give updates on current and future endeavors.
Nearly a year ago, the City of Avondale Estates and its Mayor, Commissioners, City Manager, Chief of Police, entire Avondale Estates Police Department and associates city-wide, were compelled to address tragic events that had recently occurred across the country.
“The death of George Floyd was senseless and unacceptable on any level, but especially as it was done by someone wearing the uniform of law enforcement while others in uniform watched,” read the collective statement.
“We, the Board of Mayor and Commissioners, condemn this and all acts of systemic police brutality, especially against persons of color.
As the Board of Mayor and Commissioners, we stand in support of those who put their lives on the line every day to protect us, including the Avondale Estates Police Department with their unparalleled dedication and professionalism. We stand with those who recognize hatred and discrimination of any kind is wrong. We also stand with those who are frustrated, angry, and rightfully demand justice. And we stand with those who are afraid and speechless because of these acts.
As a City, we must safeguard the lives of residents, business owners, visitors, and all who come to or pass through Avondale Estates. We have done that with our response to the pandemic that has knocked at our doors. We must do that now as we seek to strengthen our ties to each other and progress as a City that is inclusive and welcoming. It is not enough for us simply to silently support, but we must move forward in ways that welcome dialogue, invest in people, and propel us toward a future that recognizes and reaches those ideals.”
The event will be virtual and accessible via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82521541561 or by phone at 301-715-8592 (Webinar Number 825 2154 1561).
A video of the address will be posted the next day on the city’s website.
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