A 2020 U.S. Census kiosk is open at the Cobb County Magistrate Court, 32 Waddell St., downtown Marietta.

This kiosk, a desktop computer provided by Cobb Public Library, gives residents access to the my2020census.gov site for Census self-responses.

Because these efforts align with the Magistrate Court’s support of civic engagement, Chief Magistrate Judge Brendan F. Murphy offered to host the Census kiosk after reading about Census stations in libraries across the county.

”Like voting and jury service, the Census is a Constitutional opportunity to let your voice be heard,” Judge Murphy said. “Each day at the Magistrate Court, we serve many of the most vulnerable members of our community. We are proud to partner with the library system to ensure our ‘hard-to-count’ friends and neighbors aren’t left behind.”

Census data is used in determining government representation, how funding is distributed and by businesses, educators and healthcare officials.

U.S. Census under-counts have critical, long-lasting consequences for communities, Census advocates say.

As of Aug. 27, Cobb County’s response rate is reported at 69.4 percent.

View the Cobb County response rate map at https://cobbcountyga.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ced77b605e6b44328109450503f36a66

The deadline for completing the 2020 Census is Sept. 30.

Funding for the Census kiosks is from a grant by the Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia.

Information: cobbcat.org/census, cobbcounty.org/courts/magistrate-court