Cobb zoning hearing to be divided into 2 sessions

Due to social distancing restrictions and expected interest in numerous Cobb zoning cases, the Cobb County commissioners will split their zoning hearing on Sept. 21 into morning and afternoon sessions. (Courtesy of Cobb County)

Due to social distancing restrictions and expected interest in numerous Cobb zoning cases, the Cobb County commissioners will split their zoning hearing on Sept. 21 into morning and afternoon sessions. (Courtesy of Cobb County)

The next Cobb County Board of Commissioners Zoning Hearing will begin at 9 a.m. Sept. 21 and continue with an afternoon session at the BOC Meeting Room, 100 Cherokee St., Marietta.

To handle the expected turnout, the commissioners will divide the meeting in half and only deal with certain cases in the morning and others in the afternoon since the meeting room is under limits for social distancing occupancy.

During the morning session, the consent agenda cases will cover Z-28, Z-72 (2020), Z-23 and Z-26.

The afternoon session will include cases Z-31, Z-40, OB-45 and OB-48.

For the meeting’s agenda, with a description of the cases, go to

Some spectators may be asked to stay outside the meeting room or watch in overflow rooms until their case of interest is called.

These meetings are streamed live at