An online survey has been extended to Dec. 31 by the Cobb Department of Transportation on ways to improve the intersection of Cobb Parkway at Windy Hill Road.

“This heavily-traveled intersection is also one of the biggest chokepoints in the county,” according to a county statement.

“We’re interested in hearing your experiences and suggestions,” the statement added.

Cobb County is studying the Cobb Parkway and Windy Hill Road intersection to improve operations.

This scoping study is the first step in the process to identify the appropriate improvements and determine their feasibility for this complex project.

Alternatives will be considered to grade separate Cobb Parkway and Windy Hill Road to eliminate some of the vehicle conflicts that are strangling the operation of this critical intersection, according to the county statement.

Grade separation involves aligning the roadways at different heights to reduce disruption of traffic flow when they cross each other.

Other alternatives that do not physically grade separate the two roads also will be considered.

Each alternative will be appraised by a variety of factors, including safety, traffic operation, cost, right-of-way (ROW), accessibility to adjacent commercial development, bicycle and pedestrian movements, constructability and aesthetics.

Stakeholder and public involvement will play a key role in identifying issues, developing potential solutions and evaluating alternatives, including a variety of outreach tools and techniques to connect and engage.

The process will result in a recommended alternative for future further study, the statement added.

Visit for more information and to take the survey.