The Planning Division of Cobb County Community Development is hosting its next online community meeting from 6-8 p.m. on Feb. 3 for District 4 to discuss the 2040 Comprehensive Plan 5-Year Update.

This online meeting will include a public participation exercise to allow participants to contribute to this study-and-plan update.

The next four meetings in February will include district-specific demographics.

In response to the recent rise of COVID-19 cases in Cobb County, officials with Cobb Community Development have decided to hold all future community meetings online.

With all times from 6-8 p.m., an updated online meeting schedule is:

  • Feb. 3 - District 4
  • Feb. 10 - District 3
  • Feb. 17 - District 1
  • Feb. 24 - District 2

An open house is planned from 6-8 p.m. April 14.

All Cobb County residents, visitors, landowners and business owners are encouraged to participate in these online meetings.

For those unable to attend the online meetings, they may participate in this study by leaving feedback and comments to Cobb staff through the county’s public engagement portal at

All meeting links will be posted on the comprehensive planning webpage at

Meeting links also will be sent to people subscribed to this email list through the above link.