"I knew it was going be special to her. I knew how much of a role model he was to her, and I just wanted to involve him," Auriel said.

He surprised Charity at a fire museum she was visiting with her nephew. Her father's name is engraved on a wall at the museum honoring heroes who fell in fire-related incidents.

Auriel was waiting in front of Kirk's plaque with a bouqet of flowers.

"I was a little nervous," Auriel said. "Once I came around the corner everything just went out. I was just focused on her."

"What're you doing here?" Charity asked Auriel when she saw him. She later said she was completely surprised by the proposal and didn't expect it at all.

Auriel wanted to propose before returning to his military base since he doesn't know when he might leave again with potential deployment.

Charity said yes. Now, the couple feels as if Lt. Kirk will always be watching over them.

The special moment was caught on camera. Watch the proposal below.