Each time Marvin-Alonzo Greer puts on the uniform of a soldier in the Union army, he thinks about his ancestors who bravely fought during the Civil War.

The Morehouse College student has traced eight of his relatives to federal regiments during the War between the States.

He’s among a few dozen black Civil War re-enactors in Georgia.

“I think it’s important to tell the story of people of color during the Civil War because they’ve been underrepresented in re-enactments and in history,” said Greer, a student at Morehouse College and a museum interpreter at the Atlanta History Center.

He said he does it to not only honor his ancestors in blue, but to honor all African-Americans “who fought in the Civil War, toiled in the fields as slaves or were freemen.”

Read more about Greer and other black Civil War re-enactors on myajc.com. (Subscription story)