Duke University professor points out alarming findings about metabolism

Everyday Habits , With Significant Health Benefits. 1. Cook a meal, A 2014 study by Cambridge University found that people who cook at home consume about 140 fewer calories per meal. 2. Drink coffee, Coffee boosts metabolism and is low in calories (as long as you drink it black). 3. Set aside time for your hobbies, Doing things you enjoy will help to fight food urges driven by boredom. 4. Wake up early, According to a 'PLOS One' study, being exposed to morning light is associated with leaner body weights. 5. Go for a walk, A 'JAMA Internal Medicine' study found that overweight people lost body fat when they walked or ran 12 miles a week over eight months. 6. Post pictures of your meals on social media, This will keep you accountable, encourage colorful, fresh food for a good picture and be more satisfying if you prepare it yourself

It’s often been said that you can’t outrun a bad diet, and a new book from a Duke University professor points out some findings as to why that may be.

Herman Pontzer, who is an associate professor of evolutionary anthropology, points out the issue with the idea that moving more means burning more calories in his new book, “Burn: New Research Blows the Lid Off How We Really Burn Calories, Lose Weight, and Stay Healthy.”

“Your brain is very, very, very good at matching how many calories you eat and how many calories you burn,” Pontzer told Today. “The person who has a sedentary lifestyle and the person who has the active lifestyle will burn the same number of calories.”

The website pulled several key findings from his book. Here are a few of them.

Foods aren’t reliable for boosting your metabolism

While some foods have been shown to provide an increase in your metabolism, Pontzer says that they do so to such a limited degree that they wouldn’t have an effect once you ate even a little bit of food.

“The bigger question here is: Would a faster metabolism actually help you keep weight off? And there’s no evidence for that,” he said. “If you boost your metabolism a little bit, your brain will go, ‘Oh OK, we better eat little bit more’ and you wouldn’t lose anything at all.”

Additionally, the U.S. National Library of Medicine reported that some foods may give a small boost to your metabolism, but it won’t be enough to make a difference on the scale. It also noted that foods such as green tea, caffeine and hot chili peppers won’t help you lose weight.

Find a diet that works for you to lose weight

According to Pontzer, everyone’s brains are wired very differently. That combined with everyone’s varying backgrounds and adoration of different foods means there’s no single diet that works for everybody. One way to get on track to finding a diet that works for you is to eat in a way that helps you feel full on fewer calories.

Research from the American Society for Nutrition showed that even when it came to identical twins, people have different responses to food.

“Eating is individual. It is 100% customized to you,” Aurora Health Care registered dietitian and diabetes educator told health enews. “You must determine what is going to make you feel your best and what is going to be right for you.”

The Paleo diet looks different in the real world

While it didn’t crack the top 20 of the best overall diets of the year, the Paleo diet remains a go-to for some people who want to eat more healthily.

According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the Paleo diet “seeks to address 21st-century ills by revisiting the way humans ate during the Paleolithic era more than 2 million years ago.” It calls for choosing low-glycemic fruits and vegetables and eating lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

But when Pontzer studied the Hadza, modern hunter-gatherer people residing in northern Tanzania, he found they consume a low-fat, high carb diet including meat, tubers, berries and honey. This diet offers insight into how people ate during the Paleolithic era.

The Hadza people get at least 65% of their calories from carbs; fat makes up less than 20%. Their hearts are remarkably healthy and they remain the same weight for the duration of their adult life.