Life House Atlanta

Life House Atlanta

Credit: spe

Credit: spe

Life House Atlanta

History: The founders are long-time hospice volunteers at Wellstar Tranquility who connected through mutual friends and dreamed of opening a facility that will care for children and parents experiencing the end of life or life-limiting diseases and conditions. In 2018, their shared vision led to the creation of the local nonprofit Life House Atlanta.

Did you know: Life House Atlanta wants to open an eight-bed facility that can serve up to 250 with respite and palliative care. The nonprofit could provide free skilled nursing to children at the facility so parents could enjoy a date night, vacation, or simply time and space to rest and rejuvenate. In an atmosphere of love and laughter, children could enjoy various activities, such as hydro, art, music, visual and tactical therapy.

Motto: Respite and palliative care for children with a life-limiting illness.

How you can help: Life House Atlanta seeks partners to help with fundraising, marketing and communication. Visit this year’s Festival of Trees at the Georgia World Congress Center, through Dec. 26, to see a unique Life House Atlanta tree. Financial donations can be made by mail or online.

To learn more: Visit or call 770-713-5206.