By RODNEY HO/, originally filed Friday, July 10, 2015
Da'Vonne Rogers, the second person evicted from the "Big Brother" household, told host Julie Chen Thursday night that she believes the houseguests refused to take out Audrey Middleton because she is transgender.
"They're cowards," Rogers said. "I think the people in the house are afraid of what you guys are going to think if they nominate her because of who she is. I have to explain to them that Audrey the person is not Audrey the player. Those are two different people. I understand and I respect her for coming on the show and doing what she's doing, but as a player, she's gotta go!"
Chen: "So you're saying they don't want to publicly put Audrey who has come out to say she is transgender as an evicted houseguest or even as a nominated houseguest."
Da'Vonne: "Nobody wants to do it. I called it from day two which is why I worked with her."
"She could slide her way all the way to $500,000," added Da'Vonne, who admitted she was too vocal and made herself a target.
Middleton, a Villa Rica resident who is the first transgender player in 17 seasons of the show, has played a terrible game. She has lied poorly, gotten called out for it and was way too heavy-handed trying to develop alliances. Nobody really trusts her now, which is a horrible place to be in at this early stage of the game. She's going to have an uphill battle to stick around much longer unless Rogers' supposition holds up.
Da'Vonne garnered support from only two people: Audrey and her pal Jason Roy. And that's even after winning the right to eliminate three people's votes from the pool. And sussing out the twins Liz/Julia didn't help her out at all because she told everyone upfront and lost any leverage in terms of drawing Liz/Julia into an alliance.
Of course, this would have been a far more interesting vote if Shelli Poole of Atlanta, as head of household, had placed Audrey on the block instead of Meg Maley. If the houseguests had to choose between Audrey and Da'Vonne, who would they have chosen? We will never know.
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