"Scandal" finished season 3 with a bang and then some.

Shonda Rimes left nothing on the table. She grinded out an election plot line, a bombing, a murder here, a murder there, a little papa ruse and Liv's escape plane away from everything.

Here are nine crazy things that happened tonight:

My eyes! My eyes! Abby and Harrison catch Quinn and Huck in action just a few feet away from Rowan's blood at the office. Yuck! Charlie leaves Quinn but provides info about Huck's family. Huck sees said family.

Da bomb! Da bomb! B613 was able inform the right folks and evacuate folks from the church where the bomb was planted so it didn't kill anyone. Sally Langston played "Jesus," as her advisor Leo said, and helped out injured bomb victims in front of the cameras. Then she gave a super speech. For a moment, it looked like she would become president!

Why did Liv blurt that out? With the president's loss seemingly inevitable, he tells Liv that he will divorce Mellie and they can do that whole Vermont/syrup thing after all. Instead, she informs him about Mellie's secret, that she was raped by Fitz's dad. He can't leave drunk Mellie. That's why she was so cold to him all these years. Mellie also thinks Jerry is Fitz's dad, thanks to those fake results last week. So the prez stays with Mellie and Liv and Fitz have a sad phone conversation before she departs.

Back in the saddle again!  B613, at behest of Rowan, nabbed a rare strain and one of his minions used it to kill Jerry, Fitz's son. This propelled Fitz back into the lead to become president. But Rowan made it seem like crazy Maya did it and convinces Fitz to not only reinstate B613 but also give him Command again.

Are we people? Liv has a moment with Cyrus after Jerry's death and wonders if they are even people anymore. Cyrus said their jobs just revealed what monsters they were. Cyrus almost let hundreds of people die in a church. Liv wondered about how Jerry's death would impact the election. She ultimately decides that she is the center of all the trouble and decides to take her dad's advice from earlier in the season: take a plane and just disappear. She leaves her agency. Jake, now free from B613, joins her even though he knows she's in love with Fitz, not him.

David Rosen and B613. Jake left a little evidence about B613 behind for David Rosen to "get the bad guys."

Poor Harrison. He not only lost his love Adnan, killed by Rowan, but he looked to be toast as Rowan and his thug buddy were ready to shoot him. (Maybe Columbus Short's real life problems are tied to this?)

Liar, liar, pants on fire. Rowan informed Fitz he killed Maya. Nope, he didn't. He actually just kept her in a hole, just like he did to Huck and Jake.

"Where's Olivia?" The president is prostate on his knees in grief in the Oval Office. Mellie tries to comfort him. Then he says "Where's Olivia?" She calls her phone. Liv decides not to answer it. The plane leaves but to where?

Choice quotes from tonight's episode

"No one can take Command." - evil Rowan to hapless Harrison, who was unable to protect his love Adnan.

"Oh, to be young, gifted and black." - Rowan to Harrison moments before it appears he's about to be killed

"I'm the eye of the storm... I'm the thing that needs to be handled. I'm the scandal. The best way to deal with the scandal is shut it down." - Liv, blaming herself for all the chaos

"Save me. You don't have to be alone... I want us to stand in the sun together." - Jake, trying to latch onto Liv

"Go. Run to daddy!" - Abby, angry that Liv is leaving the Gladiators.

"When did we stop being people?" - Liv, getting existential with Cyrus

"I'm a sore loser." - Charlie, leaving Quinn with a gift for Huck - info on his family.

"We're going to have babies." - Fitz, dreaming yet again that he and Liv could be together

"Olivia Pope can't do anything right!" - drunken Mellie in despair

"I just wanted to give you a chance to be free." - Maya's crazy rationale for her bombing ways

"I didn't kill him. We both know I could have." - Maya to Liv about Rowan

"She killed my son. Now I'm going to kill her." - Fitz, thinking it was Maya who murdered Jerry

"I was terrified of what he might be. Turns out, it was yours." - Mellie to Fitz

"It's good for me to be dead." - Huck, trying to rationalize not reaching out to his family

"There's a price for a free and fair election. He took my child. So I took his." - Rowan, seeking revenge for Fitz loving Liv