This is posted on Rodney Ho's AJC Radio & TV Talk blog on Wednesday, October 26, 2016

NewsRadio 106.7 morning host Shannon Burke was visited by the Secret Service Tuesday, according to two sources.

Why? Burke spoke about how the only way America could survive an eight-year Hillary Clinton White House would be to take it back by force, according to a Burke fan Josh Davidson, who heard him say it.

Burke declined to comment on Tuesday and wasn't sure if he would be able to say anything about it on air today. He is on from 9 a.m. to noon daily.

UPDATE: I get a sense he was told to not say anything about it. He started his 9 a.m. show focused on Michael Moore explaining why Donald Trump's position on trade was so enticing in the heartland.

UPDATE #2: Burke texted me Wednesday afternoon: "At the request of the Secret Service, I won't go into detail but yes, I had a visit with them. There was a misunderstanding and it is now resolved."

I have not heard a response from Burke's boss PD Greg Tantum.