By RODNEY HO/, originally filed Monday, July 11, 2016
This was a bit of a scattershot episode. Several storylines were advanced. And shockingly, supposed regular cast member K Michelle showed up!
Let's get Karlie Redd out of the way first. We last saw her "fainting" when Lyfe Jennings opened box showing what appeared to be an engagement ring. Was he proposing?
Of course not. It was a "promise" ring but not even in the traditional sense. It was more like a "kiss off" ring. He "promised" her she'd never find a man as good as him. She said she gave him space and he threw it back in her face, accusing her of not being "wife" material.
Later, she confesses (or stirs the pot) by telling Scrapp de Leon's ex girlfriend Tiarra that she smashed him. Tiarra was upset despite the fact she was now smashing J Nicks. They argue and insult each other at a party in Los Angeles hosted by Stevie J and Joseline.
And J Nicks was okay with all this because that meant he could dump Amber Priddy, who was now smashing Yung Joc.
J Nicks brings Tiarra to some Amber event and Amber and Tiarra start yelling at each other and causing a scene. You know, the usual.
Got that? If not, don't worry. You'll get over it. I already have just seconds after writing those sentences.
Other storylines:
- It's really over. Tammy Rivera has decided to divorce Waka Flocka for real. She ultimately tells her mother-in-law Deb Antney, who truly loves Tammy and breaks down crying. Touching, really.
- Second chances? Scrappy, after his mom tried to hook him up with Betty Idol, realizes the bachelor's life isn't all that. He brings flowers to a fashion show Bambi is participating in and tries to woo her back. She considers him again, that lil rascal. They are fated to reunite before this season is up.
- Ariane no grande. Ariane, Mimi's bestie, thinks she is the next female music superstar but we have seen no evidence of that. And neither does D Smith, whose skepticism upsets Ariane.
- K. Michelle pops by. K. Michelle is in the credits this season as a regular cast member but has been barely around. She is in New York promoting her album and Ariane shows up and hangs out with her, possibly inspiring Ariane for her own possible "career."
- Getting a rise. Stevie J tries to get Joseline jealous by bringing Jessica Dime to a pool party. Jessica attempts to get in Joseline's face because that's her job, but all Joseline does is twerk away as Jessica is kicked out. So much for that.
- Mimi dating again! Mimi's ex girlfriend Chris still wants to get back with her. Mimi is done. In fact, she's dating someone else. Who might that be? We'll find out in a future episode.
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