This was posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 by Rodney Ho on his AJC Radio & TV Talk blog

Amanda Davis, the former Fox 5 anchor who is about to start at CBS46 early next year, was arrested Tuesday for what was alleged to be a suspended driver's license but it was all a misunderstanding, according to her boss Mark Pimental, the CBS46 general manager.

The Cobb County police said Davis was pulled over Tuesday afternoon near Cumberland Mall in a blue Mercedes. She had an expired tag and the cop checked her license status with the Georgia Crime Information Center. He found it to be suspended and she was taken to jail.

She did have an expired tag, but her license was fine, Pimental said. She told him it had been reinstated after a suspension last year, but her license status on the computer had not been updated.

"I saw a valid license today," Pimental texted me tonight, "so yes, it appears as if Cobb's data was incorrect. Amanda starts rehearsals tomorrow as scheduled."

[UPDATE 12/15: That wasn't quite accurate. I spoke with Amanda herself today and got the story here.]

According to the Cobb County Sheriff's Office booking report, she paid $1,320 in bond fees to be released Tuesday.

She is slated to start anchoring mornings on CBS46 January 2, which was announced last week.

An expired tag alone would have resulted in a citation, not an arrest, said a Cobb County public information officer. He added that the interaction between the police officer and Davis was polite.

He also said a bystander snapped a photo of her getting arrested and posted it on social media before the cop had even driven away with Davis.

Davis also received a new car tag today, Pimental said. (Davis did not respond to a text seeking comment.)

In the end, this story was deeply unfortunate for Davis. She had her mugshot plastered on social media (and this blog) and it's very likely fewer people will see this story than the original one (which has been updated).

Davis had two previous arrests since 2012 in which she was charged for driving under the influence but in this case, she was sober.