The polls are closed in Georgia: Here's what to expect

DeKalb County voters go to the polls on Election Day at the Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Stone Mountain on Tuesday morning. Kent D. Johnson,

Credit: Jim Galloway

Credit: Jim Galloway

DeKalb County voters go to the polls on Election Day at the Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Stone Mountain on Tuesday morning. Kent D. Johnson,

Now the waiting begins.

Georgia's polls closed at 7 p.m. after millions cast ballots across the state on Tuesday. Over the next few hours, the results will trickle into the Secretary of State's office and we'll have answers to the biggest questions on the ballot.

Will Georgia send its 16 electoral votes to Republican Donald Trump or will it flip to the Democratic column for the first time since 1992? Here are some keys to Georgia's race.

Will U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson avoid a runoff, or will strong showing from Libertarian Allen Buckley force the race against Democrat Jim Barksdale into overtime? Click here to explore what to expect.

Will Gov. Nathan Deal's signature second-term initiative, his Opportunity School District proposal, go down in defeat or will it defy the polls and eke by? Read about that vote here.

And what of the range of hotly-contested state legislative and county races on the ballot? Democrats are aiming to flip two or three state House and state Senate seats, while defending a handful of lawmakers in GOP-friendly territory. Take a closer look at some of the top races.

Stay tuned and don't make any rash judgments based on the early results. The bluest parts of the state - heavily-Democratic Fulton and DeKalb counties - tend to report their results later in the night.

Read more of the AJC’s election coverage: