Three White House contenders made pilgrimages to Georgia's GOP Convention over the weekend, but a few more sent personal videos to rile up the crowd.

Among them was Donald Trump, the real estate tycoon and one-time Republican presidential candidate who is making moves to prepare for another run. His message, along with those of a few others from contenders, was cut from the program after speakers went too long.

Fear not, though. A Trumpster sent us the clip. In the video above, he says he's a "great friend" of Gov. Nathan Deal and U.S. Sen. David Perdue, and promises to visit these parts "soon."

(We guess he forgot Sen. Johnny Isakson, who is running for a third term next year.)

Here's a transcript:

"The Republican Party of Georgia is special. I look forward to being with you soon. I'm with you 100 percent."