Our colleague James Salzer got ahold of a letter sent by Gov. Nathan Deal's campaign aide urging Republican lawmakers to donate to the governor's re-election bid. The note said he would be "returning the favor" for those who support him. You can find his story here.

Deal spokesman Brian Robinson told Salzer that the aide who wrote the letter, David Werner, sent a second letter clarifying that the pledge referred to fundraising efforts over the next four years.

Here's the full text of Werner's original dispatch, sent on Monday:

We enjoyed seeing many of you in Macon on Saturday morning. Thank you for welcoming the Governor to your meeting and all the support you've shown.

The question was asked where y'all should go for information on issues. The answer is me. Please let me know if you have any questions on any issue. I will get the information back to you as soon as possible. I will be sending out talking points on a myriad of issues as we close in on November 4th. If you have any specific requests, please let me know.

Finally, I'm sure you noticed a major theme of the Governor's speech: campaign contributions. We really do need and would greatly appreciate your support. As the Governor said, we plan to spend the next four years returning the favor for those that have been supportive of us.

See you on the campaign trail.

David R. Werner