Days until South Carolina Republican primary: 4. Days until South Carolina Democratic primary: 11.

Days until Nevada Democratic caucuses: 4. Days until Nevada Republican caucuses 7.

Days until SEC Primary: 14.


Remember when Jeb Bush's super PAC made a splash buying up $10 million of TV ad time in SEC Primary states? With its finances under strain, Right to Rise is now canceling about a third of those buys. (New York Times)


Ben Carson is ahead of all other candidates in Facebook likes in all of the SEC states. Bernie Sanders has more likes than Hillary Clinton in each state. (FiveThirtyEight)


Three of Texas' biggest newspapers spurned favorite son Ted Cruz to endorse Jeb Bush or John Kasich. We're not sure if this says more about Cruz or newspaper editorial boards. (New York Magazine)


Bill Clinton will campaign for his wife in Dallas and Laredo next week. (NBC 5)


Houston officials expect about half of the primary votes to be cast early, but more voters might wait because of the fast-changing nature of the race. (Houston Chronicle)


U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, whose statements are closely parsed as he remains publicly undecided, said Donald Trump's views on trade would hold great appeal to African-American voters. (Buzzfeed)


Washington and Lee University's mock political convention – which has a sterling record for accuracy over the years – nominated Donald Trump over the weekend. The billionaire called in to say thanks. (Roanoke Times)


Christopher Newport University poll: Trump 28, Rubio 22, Cruz 19, Carson 7, Kasich 7, Jeb 4; Clinton 52, Sanders 40.


False Bern warning: Bernie Sanders will not be coming to Virginia State University this week. (Richmond Times-Dispatch)