Numerous new state laws go into effect today, but none will get more attention than House Bill 792, which permits students to carry stun guns and electro-shock devices on public university campuses. From our AJC colleague Kristina Torres:

It’s that concern over the potential misuse of Tasers that apparently has caused Brockway to produce the above YouTube clip, offering advice on how to avoid getting zapped. Rule No. 1 is simple. Don’t break the law. Rule No. 2 is more interpretive:

"Don't be a jerk. If you're at a party or walking home late at night back to your dorm, and decide to be a jerk to your fellow student, you might get Tased."

Then there’s Rule No. 3, which is never a problem on college campuses:

"Don't get drunk or high. Wasted people make stupid decisions that usually start with the phrase, 'Hey, watch this!'"

So power up, kids, but be careful out there.