‘Political rewind’ replay: A health care bill placed on hold

AJC file

Credit: Jim Galloway

Credit: Jim Galloway

AJC file

Today's edition of GPB's "Political Rewind" dissects the Senate Republican struggle to get 52 votes for a repeal/replace measure aimed at upending Obamacare.

A new participant was Columbus Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, who disclosed why she didn’t jump into the 2018 race for governor (she consider it too late) and spoke up on the link between health care and jobs in “the other” Georgia.

“You can’t talk about economic development, and have poverty levels like we do in some of these areas outside the metro Atlanta area and not realize that health care is a major component of that,” she said.

If you couldn’t catch it live, click here to listen now:

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Today’s panelists: Host Bill Nigut; Greg Bluestein, one of your Insiders; Tomlinson; and Republican consultant Heath Garrett.