State Rep. Ed Lindsey is running for an open U.S. House seat in a race that's already bubbling with political gamesmanship. Add another item to the list.
The Buckhead Republican passed along an email sent by Jay Morgan, the high-powered lobbyist and Gov. Nathan Deal supporter who backs one of Lindsey’s rivals, former Deal staffer Tricia Pridemore.
The email was sent last week from Lindsey supporter Glenn Delk to Morgan about an upcoming fundraiser. We'll post the exchange below, but here's the synopsis:
Morgan responded that while he respected Lindsey, it’s time for a change. “We’ve sent quite enough angry white males to DC,” he wrote.
CCed on the email, perhaps accidentally but perhaps not, was Lindsey.
Delk wrote back with a defense of his candidate. and then Morgan responded with a new line of attack, this time against Lindsey’s profession. “The lawyers have ruined Congress. Time for a change.”
Again, the candidate was included in the chain.
Double awkward.
We caught up with Morgan, who wouldn't say whether it was intentional.
“I think Tricia is about the future,” Morgan said. “We do have an image of being the party of angry white men, and the only way to change that is to change the spokesmen.”
Lindsey, whose campaign has been stung by its own email tomfoolery, offered his own advice.
First, he noted, don’t bash the legal profession – especially when you support Deal, also a lawyer and former congressman. And second, “don’t cc your opponent in emails.”
Here's the exchange:
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