You know that a trio of GOP presidential wannabes – announced and unannounced – will be in Athens on Friday for the state convention: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, plus U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.
But another possible presidential candidate has just shown himself on the horizon: Ohio Gov. John Kasich. He's got a May 26 barbecue date with the Walton County GOP.
His likely bragging topics:
-- His chairmanship of the House Budget Committee when the federal budget was balanced for the first time since man walked on the moon;
-- His membership on the House Armed Services Committee. (He’s likely to be asked about the A-10.);
-- A $3 billion tax cut as governor;
-- And re-election with 64 percent of the vote.
Where Kasich might tread more softly: His expansion of Medicaid in Ohio under the Affordable Care Act.
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