Secretary of State Brian Kemp has Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle exactly where he wants him in next year's GOP gubernatorial primary – at least according to an internal poll his campaign recently conducted.
The poll of 400 likely GOP voters by The Wickers Group had Cagle at about one-third of the vote followed by Kemp at 13 percent. The other contenders had negligible support. And about one-third of the voters said they’d put Kemp as a second choice.
Before we go any further, here’s the same caveat we note whenever we run an internal poll: They are meant to be taken with a grain of salt, and this one is no different.
They are leaked to the media to show their candidates in a favorable light, unnerve rivals and send a message to supporters, campaign contributors and the undecided.
With that in mind, here’s what Kemp would have you believe about Cagle: The lieutenant governor’s GOP primary support is “soft and fluid,” with only 15 percent saying they were a hard Cagle vote. On the other hand, only 7 percent of those polled defined themselves as a “definite” Kemp voter.
You can review the poll here and check out the summary here.
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