Both the House and Senate gavel in at 10 a.m. today.
In the House, imbibing is the order of the day. Lawmakers will debate allowing bars more freedom to dispense alcohol when St. Patrick’s Day falls on or near a Sunday. The bill is being brought by Savannah lawmakers, of course.
The House will also take up H.B. 737, sponsored by Brett Harrell, R-Snellville, which would allow home brewers of beer to transport up to a gallon to other locations to be consumed. Last year’s bill allowed them to transport it only for contests.
In the Senate, no bills have been put on the calendar, in anticipation of a joint session for a “State of the Judiciary” address.
We could see some fireworks in afternoon committee meetings, with the big gun bill getting a first hearing in a House committee and State Sen. Vincent Fort’s doomed effort to roll back Georgia’s “Stand Your Ground” bill scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary, Non-Civil Committee.
And the Senate State and Local Government Operations Committee has a 1 p.m. meeting with legislation to create the city of Lakeside in DeKalb County.
Battle of the Press Conferences: Not to be outdone by the opponents of Common Core, who had their say Tuesday, the Georgia Chamber will hold its own event in support of the education standards at 10:30 a.m.
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