Our colleague J. Scott Trubey sent along the following dispatch from a press conference with Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed:
Following a news conference Monday to announce a major Atlanta expansion by industrial giant Honeywell, Reed said Republican nominee Donald Trump shouldn't get a pass for his lack of health disclosure.
"You can have a man who's 70 years old with a doctor's assessment that was drawn while he was waiting in his limousine that should have drawn a massive amount of media coverage and it should have required him to come forward with a massive amount of medical data," Reed said. "Instead these alternative right and dark media outlets, they have drummed up this story surrounding Secretary Clinton's health."
Clinton left a September 11 memorial service early on Sunday. Clinton's campaign first said she suffered from dehydration and being overheated and later disclosed that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia.
"She had pneumonia, she got sick," Reed said. "Certainly everyone who is in politics and the press corps knows that campaigns are incredibly daunting, physical stamina tests. And in the course of a campaign you are going to (get sick)."
"The way that this is being couched and the energy that's being given to it says something very bad about our politics," the mayor said.
Reed said the coverage of Trump's lack of disclosure needs to be probed with "the same amount of heat and intensity," and that Trump shouldn't be graded "on a curve."
In that famous letter from Trump's physician, the doctor claimed Trump would be the fittest person ever to hold the nation's top office.
"You know that's not true," Reed said.
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