Atlanta's Kasim Reed tops a list of Georgia mayors who have sent a letter to top Republicans in the state Capitol, warning them away from HB 875, the gun bill that is now in the Senate.

The letter was distributed by Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the group established by former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. A taste:

Also alarming, this legislation essentially eliminates the crime of carrying guns on college and university campuses. Even though the Georgia Board of Regents and 78% of Georgia registered voters oppose allowing concealed carry on college campuses, this bill would effectively force colleges and universities to allow guns on campus by taking the teeth out of the crime. This legislation would prohibit jail time and even arrest for violators of this law, allowing a maximum penalty of a $100 fine. Under HB 875, people who illegally carry guns on the campuses of Georgia's colleges and universities would be penalized less severely than if they were caught driving 15 mph over the speed limit.

Read the entire missive here: